Why did you decide to start the challenge? 

I decided to start this challenge because I was tired of feeling so uncomfortable with myself. They way I looked when I saw myself in pictures, the way my clothes fit me (or didn’t) and the belly pouch I would stare don every night wondering if it would ever go away.  I had tried to “start” working out so many times before in the past and just never fully committed to it, I hated working out, therefore I would make up every excuse in the book to avoid doing it.


What was your biggest obstacle in completing the challenge and how did you overcome it?

My biggest obstacle during this journey was definitely being disciplined. I’ve always said I don’t have discipline because my mother never gave me enough structure when young, it never occurred to me it was something that I could build in my adulthood. The discipline to create a meal plan, plan out your meals with snacks included to make sure you stay on track, to work our everyday no matter what and also to not get frustrated because there’s an excessive I can’t do right and just keep going. I worked a lot that first week on my mind so to say, meditating in a way, recognizing what are my limiting thought daily and to stop them once they popped in. I replaced them with Maria’s voice in my head each time: “If you are tired, do it tired” “Out of your head and into your body” “Don’t be so fucking dramatic!” Etc.... I kept visualizing that end goal, and telling myself that I COULD do it, that if I kept going I would get there, and to this day that is what keeps me going.

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What was the most rewarding part of the challenge?

The most rewarding part of the challenge, besides from seeing the results, was proving myself wrong. I am my biggest enemy and saboteur. So many negative thoughts would run thru my mind daily, and I proved myself I could do it, I can achieve the body of my dreams if I just keep going! Also the amazing community of Mafiosas! Not only did I gain a new love for working out and moving my body, I gained a sisterhood & hype crew that I can count on forever.

What did you learn about yourself during these 8-weeks of work?

I learned how strong minded I am, strong overall, that when I really set your mind to it and take on the challenge I can accomplish it. I learned that I can, in fact be disciplined. That I can push through any negative thought, any sucky day, no matter how late and just get my workout in for that hour of me time. That I have the self control to choose not too give in to the cravings.

What advice would you give someone starting the challenge? 

My advice to anyone starting out the challenge would be to just dive into it. Make it your mission, to prove everybody and yourself wrong. I know how impatient we can be with wanting to see results right away but if you just trust the process and work on one day at a time the results will come. Also, stay out of your head, don't premeditate all the work you have to do, only think of it when the moment comes and the only worry in your head should be breathing through those next 15 reps you have coming up and nothing else, and then, the next 15, and so on. It'll be over before you know it lol The days when your don't feel like doing your workout at all, just fucking do it, I promise you'll feel better afterwards, and proud, so so proud!

How was your experience with the CMF community; what tools did you utilize from the community?

If it wasn't for the CMF community I don't think I would've gotten through it. The support and accountability every single person in this group hands you is unlike any other. Connect on your whatsapp groups, connect on FB, on Instagram, everything you put into it is exactly what you will get out of it. From my first post on FB where I introduced myself I received so many reactions and comments, all so encouraging and honest, that's when I knew I had started something unlike anything I'd ever done before, and that I had them to hold 

my hand the entire way. And to this day, that's how it's been. I love my Mafiosa Family!