Why did you decide to start the challenge? 

In August/September 2020 I had reached the heaviest weight I’d ever been. Coupled with that I was receiving nothing but bad lab results and tests from the doctors whenever I’d go. I have an autoimmune disease which I receive treatment for and I felt like I had one bad thing piling on top of another. I was struggling really hard mentally and emotionally. Hopeless and felt like giving up. When I saw the progress photos of Maria’s program I felt inspired and decided to jump on and help myself. 

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What was your biggest obstacle in completing the challenge and how did you overcome it?

One of the biggest obstacles I faced in the process of completing the 8 week challenge was discipline. Discipline when it came to getting my workout in everyday. Discipline with my food choices. I took this challenge as a way to explore new foods and healthy recipes. Turn this exercise routine and healthy eating into a new lifestyle that I can maintain for hopefully the rest of my life. 

What was the most rewarding part of the challenge?

Since I struggle with joint pain from my autoimmune disease, the most rewarding part of this challenge has been the strength I have gained day by day. Many simple movements I could not handle before I can now do without any pain or discomfort. Another rewarding part of this challenge has been the drastic turn around in my health. Starting this challenge I was overweight, struggled with high cholesterol and hypertension, and had a liver that was screaming for help. Today I no longer struggle with any of that and I feel stronger than I have in a very long time. 

What did you learn about yourself during these 8-weeks of work?

Throughout the 8-weeks of working out with Maria I have learned how determined and mentally strong I am. At points when I wanted to give up or eat things I shouldn’t, I really had to show up for myself mentally. Before the challenge I would have stayed in my comfort zone and use my sickness as an excuse to not exercise or better myself. Maria cultivates this mindset of positivity, gratitude, and determination with her program and that is something that is priceless. 

What advice would you give someone starting the challenge? 

My advice to anyone starting the challenge would be to stick to the workout schedule and meal plan. Do not stray in moments of weakness. We all start somewhere and it will be hard at first. All of the workouts do not get easier, you get stronger. Let your new found strength inspire you to keep going. You already know what the outcome is if you don’t try or when you give up. See what amazing things you can achieve when you don’t give up. 

How was your experience with the CMF community; what tools did you utilize from the community?

The one thing that really separates CMF programs from other workout programs is the community Maria has built. Throughout my experience with CMF I have utilized the Facebook platform and WhatsApp groups. All of the support, encouragement, and inspiration takes this program to a whole other level. So much positivity, accountability, and knowledge on the different platforms. Plus, it’s so cool to connect with people from around the world, from different walks of life, who are on the same journey as you. 

Thank you again to you and Maria for choosing me and my transformation to be on the website. If means a lot that you both see my journey as something that represents CMF 💗