Why did you decide to start the challenge? 

I decided to start the challenge because I need to make change in life to regain my health and loss weight. 

What was your biggest obstacle in completing the challenge and how did you overcome it? 

My biggest obstacle completing the challenge were the actually workouts. I had zero fitness experience prior to the challenge was a plus size candidate. I was starting from starch and had trouble with some of the moves. I overcome my challenges by reaching out to Maria, asking for help with modification(s). She provided modifications, encouraged me to keep it simple and do as much as could correctly, without injury, until I could continue to add more reps gradually as recommended. 

What was the most rewarding part of the challenge? 

The most rewarding part of the challenge for me was gaining my health back. I started out at 279lbs joined Maria at 270 lbs and am now 193lbs (-83lbs loss).  Additionally, I gained so much knowledge with health and fitness, self-confidence and lifetime friendship(s). 

What did you learn about yourself during these 8 weeks of work?    

I learned that if I change my mind for the better, it changes my mood, so I can view a challenge as opportunity vs. an obstacle, that  self-care should be priority, so I can give the best of myself to my family, friends, my profession and most important myself. 

What advice would I give some starting the challenge? 

The advice I would give a new member is to meal prep, schedule your works out and stick to the food and the schedule, do not view this as a challenge, view this as an opportunity to better yourself and strength your mind and body daily. 

How was your experience with the CMF community, what tools did you utilize from the community? 

How was your experience with the CMF community; what tools did you utilize from the community?

My experience has been phenomenal. The platform has given me the opportunities to receive and provide support. I receive support from Maria and the CMF participants with encouragement, group workouts, recipes, recipe ideas, and workout modifications. I in turn also provide daily support, by providing the community nutrition recommendation(s), advice and encouragement by form of messages or even a phone call when necessary.